Scott Curtis
Eliot Ness-like. . . extraordinary and devoted leadership, relentless pursuit of justice, and unwavering dedication to protecting our community.
— U.S. Attorney's Office Award citation, Eastern District of New York

Scott Curtis is an American former FBI agent and organized-crime and public-corruption expert.

Thank you for helping to give my brother a voice to make known the truth about what happened to him, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
— Family member of a murder victim

FLEO qualifies as a Minority Business Enterprise and as an Identified Business Enterprise because of Curtis’s status as both a military and disabled veteran. FLEO is certified by the Small Business Administration as a Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business. 


FLEO provides clients with extensive experience along with the objectivity, independence, and confidentiality required without the high costs endemic to large law firms, accounting operations, or the other kinds of consulting companies where Curtis has himself worked supervising teams of investigators.

A streamlined and nimble operation, FLEO contracts with independent investigators on a “as needed” basis. Those needs are dictated by the size, scope, and timeline of the investigation. A retainer is required and fees negotiated with an eye to the scope of the work.


SCOTT CURTIS brings a deep expertise rooted in significant and unique training to his investigations of all facets of public corruption, fraud, and other financial crimes both state and federal—as well as years of experience investigating compliance violations and workplace misconduct including sexual harassment, assault, discrimination, and hostile work environments occurring within public entities and private-sector corporations.

Curtis has an acute understanding of local, state, and federal laws and a proven track record identifying violations of those laws.  He has the knowledge and expertise as it relates to the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 due to his involvement in workplace-harassment, discrimination, and misconduct investigations.

This ex-federal agent also has the know-how to collect relevant evidence that will withstand the intense scrutiny of the courts, executive management, and the public.  His application of a broad range of  methodologies and ability to conduct investigations from the point of view of both a federal law-enforcement official and a private-sector investigator further renders his investigations bulletproof.

Curtis has never had a single piece of evidence suppressed in any criminal proceeding.

Outstanding investigative performance exemplifying skill, perseverance, and dedication to public service.
— NYPD Honor Legion Award
Worked diligently and selflessly to protect the rights of Americans. Exemplifies the best in federal service.
— Dept. of Justice/EOUSA Director’s Award citation


In the course of a rich and varied career, Curtis has authored hundreds of affidavits used to apply for indictments, arrests, searches, and court-authorized wiretapping orders. He has testified before grand juries and in detention hearings, evidence-suppression hearings, federal monitorship hearings, and at criminal trials in multiple federal judicial districts. His familiarity with what goes into such affidavits translates into an expertise regarding whether there existed sufficient probable cause to warrant a search or arrest. Curtis has an in-depth familiarity with the duties, responsibilities, and expectations of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 because he’s got prior experience conducting workplace-harassment, discrimination, and misconduct investigations.

Special Agent Curtis is a relentless investigator.
— FBI performance review


Curtis has received extra relevant training in areas of source development, interview and interrogation, white-collar crime, money laundering, public corruption, homicide investigations and more over the course of his more than 30 years as an investigator, mostly gleaned from studies and seminars in Quantico, Virginia, and including:

  • FBI new-agents training

  • Money-laundering training

  • Insider-threat training

  • Complex financial crimes training

  • Marking & handling classified information training

  • Information-security (“Infosec”) training

  • Whistleblower-protection training

  • Insider-threat & media-contact awareness training

  • Digital-evidence-handling training

  • Reporting of suspected child abuse, neglect, & sexual exploitation

  • Federal campaign-finance-offenses training

  • Social-media training

  • Obtaining & analyzing digital-records training

  • Continuity of operations-under-threat training

  • Victim & witness assistance

  • Weapons of mass destruction/active-shooter workplace-safety training

  • Confidential human-sources training 

Curtis also has hundreds of hours of quarterly legal training under his belt also including such subjects as Constitutional Law and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

— Benton Campbell, U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of New York